
Create Links

Use the Link Dialogue

Make a hyperlink:
  1. Select the text you would like to make a hyperlink, either to another web site or another page within your MiniWeb.
  2. Choose the menu Element->Link. to bring up the Link dialogue.

Link dialogue

Link to a page:

  1. Type the URL in this field, for example,
  2. Click OK

Your selected text is hyperlinked to the URL in this field. The text you selected in your document is now colored, italic, and underlined. This is a hyperlink. Clicking on your newly created link takes you, in this example, to NaviSoft's web page.

Append anchor name:

If you wish to link your selected text to a location within a document, you can append an anchor name to the URL in the Link to Page field.

  1. Type the URL in the Link to Page box.
  2. Type an anchor name in the Append Anchor Name box. This is the same name that you give the target anchor, described below.
  3. Click OK.

The text you selected in your document is now colored, italic, and underlined, identical to the hyperlink described above. Clicking on this newly created link would fetch the web page whose URL you specified, at the part of the document where it is anchored.

Typically, you will have assigned some text in a document with anchor names before you create the hyperlink to that anchor, but you can still set them using this dialogue box.

Select links from URLs in the Link dialogue:

The text you selected in your document is now colored, italic, and underlined. If selected now, it takes you to the URL you selected in this scrolling menu.

Other Buttons in the Link Dialogue

Cancel Close the Link dialogue box:

Select If the text you selected already contains a

Only link, then that link URL is displayed in the

Link to Page field and the Select Only

button is enabled. Because selecting text by

dragging and highlighting is inaccurate,

selecting this button ensures that you

select only the text that was the previous


Browse Allows you to browse your local files or any

networked NaviServer for files to choose as

links. If you enter a site that you cannot

browse, you get a message "Cannot Browse


Help Provides an on-line Link Help Page.

Help Contents